The bank caclulates loan interest as "simple" interest& for every payment period, multiply the current outstanding principal by the current interest rate to determine the interest payment. 银行用“简单”利息的方法计算贷款利息-在每个还款期间,用当前未还清的本金乘以当前利率,从而计算出应付的利息。
The current interest in Web2.0 has arisen because of a culmination of economic and technology trends. 当前对Web2.0的关注上升与经济繁荣和技术趋势密切相关。
This will depend upon your current interest rate. 这将取决于你目前的利率。
Current interest in the eastern lifestyle is in part underlined by the simplicity and function that is inherent in Asian design and an undying thirst for the exotic. 当前,东方的生活方式主要是强调了简单和职能,这也是亚洲国家区与其它国家的固有设计和永恒的异国情调。
Issues and events of current interest and concern. 眼下人们关切的重要问题和事件。
And the third way is by freezing their current interest rate for five years. 第二个方案是减缓他们的现有的利率五年。
Information on current interest rates and fees and charges is available on request. 目前的利率、费用及收费的相关信息可根据您的要求予以提供。
What people think creates reality: at current interest rates, the UK can run a primary fiscal deficit while stabilising its debt ratio but Spain needs a sizeable primary surplus if it is to do so. 想法成就现实在当前的利率水平下,英国可以在稳住债务比例的同时存在原始财政赤字,而西班牙若要稳住债务比例,则需要大量的原始财政盈余。
There is significant current interest in the exitonic properties and complicated exitonic properties in semiconductor quantum-well wires because of their role in optoelectronic applications. 由于半导体量子阱线中激子和复杂激子的特性在光学器件中有着重要的作用。
I would expect the current interest rate differential to remain in place, or even to increase, unless the economic situation in the eurozone deteriorated sharply. 我预计,当前利差将继续维持,甚至有可能加大,除非欧元区的经济形势急剧恶化。
The use and development of livestock breeds and the conservation of valuable breeds that are of little current interest to livestock producers need to be upgraded. 需要加强畜牧生产者当前很少关注的畜牧品种的利用和开发及有价值品种的保存。
Consumer focus, a government-established campaigning organisation, has complained that consumers find it hard to discover what current interest rates are and that switching to other banks is cumbersome. 政府建立的行动组织consumerfocus指称,消费者发现,很难弄清楚当前利率是多少,同时把钱转到其它银行手续繁杂。
If you're considering refinancing your home, you need to evaluate your current interest rate. 如果你考虑转你的家,你需要评估你的现行利率。
However, some asset allocators have doubts about pension funds 'current interest in the asset class. 不过,对于养老基金当前对这一资产类别的兴趣,一些资产配置者心存疑虑。
Personalization Recommendation Based on User Current Interest View 基于用户近期兴趣视图的个性化推荐
The object of this series of monographs is timely dissemination of essential information about the topics of current interest in science. 本专题著作丛书的宗旨是适时地传播有关当前科学课题的基本知识。
As has been the case for many previous versions of this seminar, we often choose a topic that is of current interest ( perhaps even "hot") in the optimization community, or that is topical in practice. 和这个讨论会过去的很多形式一样,我们常常选择一个最优化团体目前的兴趣点(可能甚至是“热点”)作为主题,或者选择一个在实际中引起讨论的话题。
Moreover, data collected from restoration studies can assist in validation of dynamic models of current interest in landscape ecology. 同样地,退化生态系统的恢复可以为景观生态学的研究提供非常恰当的实验场。
He says the current interest in straw bale houses is a direct response to the problem of climate change. 他说对稻草房的兴趣是对气候变化的直接反应。
The second stage, is to enjoy life, the life of current interest. 第二个阶段,就是享受生活,要从这个生活里发现当下的乐趣。
With the current interest rate in the United States higher than that in euro region and the homeland investment act being passed in the United states, repatriation of huge amount of capitals to the United States is doubtless. 随着目前美国利率高出欧元区利率,以及美国《本土投资法》的通过,巨额的资金回流美国将毋庸置疑。
At current interest rates, even a large medium-term increase in borrowing would almost certainly pay for itself in the greatly enhanced present value of current and future output. 以目前的利率,即便中期借款大幅上升,也几乎肯定会通过目前和未来产出的现值大大提高而为自己买单。
Current Interest in the Adjustment of Our Country and Its Significant Impact on 当前我国社会利益关系的调整及其重大影响
There is a new option for the policy of current interest rate in China. 当前中国的利率政策面临着一个新的选择。
This paper describes the present situation and difficult position of our country's current interest rate policy, introduces Keynesian theory of "the Fluid Trap", and probes into the countermeasures for the interest rate policy of our country extricates from the difficult position. 主要分析了当前我国利率政策的现状和困境,介绍了凯恩斯的流动性陷阱理论,并探讨了我国利率政策走出困境的对策。
Chapter two of this text has analyzed the influence that the current interest rate system and existing problem and control of interest rate in our country conduct to the monetary policy. 第二章分析了我国利率体系历史现状与存在的问题及利率管制对货币政策传导的影响。
The property of real time in this model can show the users 'current interest states. 该模型的实时性可以保证挖掘出来的用户兴趣更能反映当前用户的兴趣状态;
This paper presents a new approach of personalization recommendation based on user current interest view. 提出了一种基于用户近期视图进行个性化推荐的方法。
It has become current interest of measurement research to improve instrument's ability and precision by new devices. 采用新型器件完善仪器的测量功能和提高仪器的测量精度是当前测量仪器研究发展的方向。